A bit about AllyRhae

If you are even reading this post you have most likely felt the same way as I when it comes to the characters in books; they become some of your best friends! I will cry, laugh, and be angry with their decisions throughout a book or series. 

I was never a reader in elementary or secondary school. It was not until I was in college to become a teacher that I picked up a book that was getting all the Huff; Harry Potter! Wow, I fell in love with the characters in that book. By the time I had read the first book the first three had already been published. I read them through day and night, any moment that I was not working,  taking classes, or completing homework. This reading thing was a new concept for me and it took me quite awhile to finish a book. See, I have dyslexia and reading has always come hard for me. Getting the words out of my mouth that my brain wants me to say is also a great chore. 

Back to Harry Potter (Do any of you say his name in a British accent whenever you say it out loud or in you head like me. Goodness my accent is great in my head:) anyway, JK Rowling opened a door that was quite closed to me and I will forever be grateful to her for that. Between the next books being published I started grabbing for more and more books to see what genres I was interested in. I soon found out that I just loved British books so much that I started reading Elizabeth George books. They are murder mystery books, each book has the same main character, which I guess I love.  This bring me back to my initial sentence that I become friends with the characters in my books. I soon moved unto Jane Green who also has main characters that are associated with Europe and the States. Jane's characters were my age within a five year difference and I could see how their troubles in life related greatly to some that I was faced with in my own life. They spoke to me, like she was writing these books for me to find my way in life. (Best kinds of books and characters if you ask me!) 

I then read another book because of the drama behind the characters in the public's eye. I was teaching third grade by this point and focusing on books that my students would read for English class while I was still working on Jane Green books ( There was a lot to catch up on). I was constantly being asked by other teachers and older students in the school "Edwards or Jacob?" What? I have no clue what they were talking about!  Flabbergasted, were they who asked the question, that I had no clue what they were talking about. So, guess what? Yep, I started reading Twilight! HELL TO THE YES! I loved. loved. loved, these vampires. I was on maternity leave when I finally picked up the book and read it. When I finished the book I was so pissy at the end. How could they end a book this way? There is so much to be answered! What's happening next? I was just crabby about the ending of this book. But, I now had the answer to the ever pressing question; Edward all the way baby! I called up one of my book friends that loves Twilight and I was all like "Barb, this was dumb how could she end this book like that?" Barb reassured me that there was another book to come out! This is where I fell in love with Vampire books. 

So, that was a little bit behind how I became to love books, reading, and my favorite are series books. Again, I love to get to know the characters and how they pull at my heart strings. This blog will be about me and my cousin who loves to read as well. We have some similar taste in books and you will get a review about some of the same books we've shared and other books that we've read on our own. Keep checking back on what were are reading now. 

Thank you to all these authors that have made a difference in my life, 

